Introduction to the Applied Behavior Analysis Training Program of Qingdao Research Institute of Psychology and Mental Health
青岛大学(青岛)心理与精神健康研究院正式成立于2016年12月29日,由青岛大学、青岛市教育局、加拿大女王大学联合共建。2016年,研究院申请授权成为了我国首批获得培养委员会认证行为分析师资格的高校机构之一。电竞菠菜 将为教育学和心理学专业的本科生、研究生以及服务于孤独症康复干预和特教机构的从业人员提供应用行为分析课程。拥有心理学或教育学硕士学位的专家和自闭症家长也可以报名参加课程。应用行为分析课程由行为分析认证委员会认证。研究生和拥有教育学或心理学硕士学位的人可以通过参加课程培训,满足任务要求后成为委员会认证行为分析师(BCBA),本科生和拥有心理学或教育学本科学位的人也可以通过参加课程培训,满足任务要求后成为副委员会认证行为分析师(BCaBA)。申请成为BCBA和BCaBA还有其他的要求,了解更多详细信息请查询 BACB官方网站。目前我国该领域相关人才严重缺乏,截止到2018年3月7日,我国境内行为分析师共56人,其中BCBA-D 1人,BCBA 15人,BCaBA 40人。
The Qingdao University (Qingdao) Research Institute of Psychology and Mental Health was officially established on December 29, 2016, and was jointly established by Qingdao University, Qingdao Education Bureau, and Queen's University of Canada. In 2016, the Institute applied for authorization to become one of the first university institutions in China to obtain qualifications for training certification practitioners in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Our school will provide a series of courses in ABA. These courses are available to qualified for undergraduate students and graduate students in education and psychology, and qualified staff at institutions engaged in autism rehabilitation interventions and special education. Professionals and interested parents of autistic children with a master's degree in psychology or education may also take these courses. The ABA course sequence is verified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). Graduate students and those with master's degrees in psychology or education may take these courses to fulfill the coursework requirements to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).Undergraduate students and those with undergraduate degrees in psychology or education may take these courses to fulfill the coursework requirements to become a Board Certified assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA). Note that there are additional requirements to become a BCBA or BCaBA. Please see the website for more details. At present, there is a serious shortage of relevant talents in this field in China. As of March 7, 2018, there are 56 behavioral analysts in China, including BCBA-D=1, BCBA=15, and BCaBA=40.
该项目由研究院中方院长陶明达教授和外方院长刘旭东博士共同负责,加拿大布鲁克大学应用残疾研究中心主任、电竞菠菜 兼职教授、委员会认证行为分析师-博士级Maurice Feldman教授作为认证课程协调员。电竞菠菜 也荣幸邀请到了Neil Martin教授、Adrienne Perry博士、Dennis Moore教授和 Angelika Anderson教授等多位国际知名行为分析专家作为电竞菠菜 的名誉教授。参与授课的教师均为委员会认证行为分析师(BCBA),精通中英文,并在孤独症领域具备丰富的ABA实操经验。第一期认证培训已于2017年10月正式开班,第二期学员也已于2018年9月正式开班。
The project is jointly led by Professor Mingda Tao, the Chinese Dean of the Institute, and Dr. Xudong Liu, the Foreign Dean of the Institute. Professor Maurice Feldman (BCBA-D), Chair of the Department of Applied Disability Studies, Brock University, Canada, and part-time professor of our institute acts as the Verified Course Sequence Coordinator. Our institute is also honored to have invited many internationally renowned behavior analysis experts such as Dr. Neil Martin, Dr. Adrienne Perry, Dr. Dennis Moore and Dr. Angelika Anderson as honorary professors of our institute. The teachers who participated in the lectures are all BCBAs. They are proficient in both Chinese and English and have extensive experience in ABA practice in the field of autism. The first phase of certification training was officially started in October 2017, and the second phase of the course was officially started in September 2018.
Special Note: Pass-rate data are not published for sequences with fewer than six first-time candidates in a single year or for sequences within their first four years of operation.
图为现任山东省教育厅厅长、党组书记、山东省教育工委常务副书记,时任青岛市市委常委、市委高校工委书记、市教育局党委书记、局长、市总工会主席邓云锋(中),加拿大女王大学教务长、副校长Benoit—Antoine Bacon(左),青岛大学党委常委、副校长于永明(右)代表三方签署合作共建研究院框架协议。(The representatives of the three parties signed a framework agreement for cooperation and joint research)
图为现任山东省教育厅厅长、党组书记、山东省教育工委常务副书记,时任青岛市市委常委、市委高校工委书记、市教育局党委书记、局长、市总工会主席邓云锋(中),加拿大女王大学教务长、副校长Benoit—Antoine Bacon(左),青岛大学党委常委、副校长于永明(右)代表三方为青岛心理与精神健康研究院揭牌。(The representatives of the three parties unveiled the Qingdao Institute of Psychology and Mental Health)
图为国际行为分析师协会、青岛市教育局和电竞菠菜 代表共同为青岛大学应用行为分析(ABA)研究与教育中心揭牌(Qingdao University Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research and Education Center unveiled)
上图为研究院中方院长陶明达教授与国际应用行为分析师认证委员会代表、研究院骨干教师代表、ABA认证培训第一批部分学员在第一批开班仪式上合影留念(The first phase of the certification training opening ceremony members took a group photo)